Little Lulu Characters


I've had many e-mails from people wanting to know the name of a particular character from the Little Lulu and Tubby comics. On this page I will introduce each character and eventually provide some pictures and frames from the comics for each one. This page is still under construction, but here's a start.

To briefly introduce many of the characters, here's an original Cartoon Cell depicting Little Lulu and some of the other characters which was created by Marvel, Columbia Pictures and New World Television artists as conceptual and/or production art for use in the Marvel animated series "Little Lulu". I'll show a close-up and a brief description of each character below. You may click on the pictures to see a larger version of them.

Little Lulu (Lulu Moppet)
Tubby Tompkins
Annie Inch or Magee
Iggy Inch or Magee
Alvin James or Jones
Gloria Darling
Wilbur Van Snobbe
Willy Wilkins
The Westside Guys
Mr. And Mrs. George Moppet
Miss Feeny
Ol' Witch Hazel
Little Itch
Sammi and the Little Men from Mars

Other Characters not in Cartoon Cell

Eddie Simson
Chubby (Tompkins?)
Cedric James or Jones
Kathy Crowe
Clarence McNabbem
Professor Clifford Cleff or Kleff
Grandpa Feeb or McFeeb
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. James or Jones


Little Lulu (Lulu Moppett)

Little Lulu is the star of the comics. She is a little girl who is very smart, and she usually outsmarts the boys when they match wits. However, she is a very good little girl, and rarely initiates a battle with the boys; she just takes them on when they bother her or the other girls. Lulu is very imaginative, and she tells stories to Alvin to divert him from mischief and teach him a lesson. She also records some of her adventures in "Lulu's Diry".


Tubby Tompkins
The Little Men from Mars

Tubby is Lulu's good friend, but he is also her chief opponent. Although not the official leader of the Fellers, or boy's club, Tubby thinks up schemes to get the girls or to accomplish some other goal; but his ideas often backfire, usually due to Lulu's ability to outsmart him. Tubby frequently creates inventions with his chemistry set, and he also is a Junior Detective and solves Lulu's mysteries as The Spider, always in some unique disguise. Tubby is shown here with the Little Men from Mars, who appear frequently in the Tubby comics.

Annie Inch or Magee

Annie is Lulu's best friend, and is involved in most of Lulu's escapades. Annie is younger than Lulu, and not as smart, but she is a loyal friend who helps Lulu carry out her plans. Annie is shown here with her brother Iggy.

Iggy Inch or Magee

Iggy is one of the Fellers, members of the boy's club, and is Tubby's closest friend. Iggy, like Annie, is younger than Tubby and not too bright, but is usually willing to help Tubby out with his ideas to get the best of the girls.

Alvin James or Jones

Alvin is a little boy who lives next door to Lulu. He misbehaves frequently, and is usually a pest to Lulu. She sometimes babysits for Alvin. To misdirect his misbehavior, and to help teach him a lesson, usually often tells Alvin stories which are very imaginative. Alvin's last name is James in some stories, and Jones in others.

Gloria Darling

Gloria is a rather stuck-up little girl who is thought to be the prettiest girl around by all of they boys and by herself. She is attracted to Wilbur Van Snobbe by his money, and she scorns Tubby, who is in love with her; however, she turns to Tubby when he has money to spend on her, only to return to Wilbur. Gloria's last name changes from comic to comic, and has been Darling, Dingly, Goode, Love, Sweet, Wilkins, and Van Potts.

Wilbur Van Snobbe

Wilbur (misspelled on the cartoon cell) is a very rich, spoiled boy who creates problems for Lulu and her friends by his rather mean tricks. He is not really liked by the other kids because of that. Usually his tricks backfire in him, and the other kids get the better of him. Tubby especially doesn't like him because Wilbur usually has the affection of Gloria.

Willy Wilkins

Willy is one of the Fellers, members of the boys' club, and often participates in Tubby's schemes.

The Westside Boys

The Westside Boys are tough kids from the other side of town. They threaten to (and often do) beat up the Fellers and wreck their clubhouse. Lulu and the girls and Tubby and the Fellers often work together against the Westside Boys. Individual members include Mickey, Butch, Spike, Mike, Slug, Junior, and Guggy.

Mr. And Mrs. George Moppet

Mr. and Mrs. George Moppet are Lulu's parents.

Miss Feeny

Miss Feeny is Lulu's and Tubby's teacher. She has a parrot, Percy, who sometimes escapes.

Ol' Witch Hazel
Little Itch

That Ol' Witch, Hazel, and her niece Little Itch, are frequent characters in Lulu's stories to Alvin. In the earlier stories, they create trouble for the Poor Little Girl. In the later stories, they create trouble for the Little Scarecrow Boy.

Sammi and the Little Men from Mars

Sammi is the leader of the Little Men from Mars, who appear in the Tubby comics. They come to earth in their spaceship and go to Tubby, usually for help of some kind, although they often help Tubby in return.

Eddie Simson
Eddie is the fourth one of the Fellers, or regular members of the boys' club.

Chubby (Tompkins?)
Chubby is Tubby's younger cousin, and his appearance is exactly like Tubby's except he is smaller. He visits Tubby occasionally, although Tubby dislikes his visits.

Cedric James or Jones
Cedric is Alvin's baby brother.

Janie is one of Lulu's friends.

Kathy Crowe
Kathy is a little girl who often plays with Alvin.

Al is the owner of the Sunset Diner, where Tubby likes to go to eat. He often gives Tubby stale pies or other food.

Clarence McNabbem
Mr. McNabbem is the truant officer who is always trying to catch kids playing hooky - but he rarely does catch any.

Professor Clifford Cleff or Kleff
Professor Cleff is Tubby's violin teacher, who can barely tolerate listening to Tubby's screeches on the violin.

Grandpa Feeb or McFeeb
Feeb is Iggy and Annie's grandfather, who often lives in a world of his own. He leads the kids on various escapades.

Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins are Tubby's parents.

Mr. and Mrs. James or Jones
Mr. and Mrs. James or Jones are Alvin's and Cedric's parents.


Cartoon Cell

I bought this at an online auction in January, 1999. Here's how it happened to be on auction: "My friend Dave lives here in Los Angeles, and is what is known as a "Set Striker."  What his company does is go in and break down sets that have just been used in filming or taping, and also cleans out sound stages for future use.  Recently, he was asked to clean out a stage at Columbia Pictures which had been used by Marvel and New World in animated television production.  While there, he discovered a considerable collection of original Marvel Comics art, drawn both for conception and production use. He asked the studio what they wanted him to do with the large amount of work, and since he does a lot of work for them, they gave it to him. So here I am auctioning it off for him."



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  Page last updated 14 Dec 2004.
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