Alcove Spring Falls

(AKA Naomi Pike Falls)


Location: Marshall County, Kansas

Water Source: Spring rains

Drop: 12 Feet

Flow: Spring only

Directions: Six miles northwest of Blue Rapids - follow the signs

Notes: I visited Alcove Spring Falls September 19, 2006.

The first two photos above shows the falls which was dry when we visited it: The first photo has my husband in it so you can see the scale of the falls.

The first photo in the second row shows a photo of the falls when it was running, located on a sign at the falls with information about the location. The center photo shows Alcove Spring, a small spring located to the right of the falls (located about where the men are standing in the pervious photo). The water is coming out of a small hole in the ground about 1/3 of the way down the photo. The third photo in the second row shows a carving on a rock that has been preserved, dated 1846. This spring and waterfall were a spot where travelers on the Oregon Trail stopped to rest.

The bottom row of photos shows two signs near the falls and a deer watching us as we walked the short trail to the falls.

See more information about the history of Alcove Springs and the Oregon Trail

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  Page last updated 31 Dec 2006.
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