Little Lulu Banks

Here is a Little Lulu bank. I bought it from an antique dealer at the local mall in the early 90's. It says on the back: "Western Publishing Co. Play Pal Plastics." This bank is about 7 1/2 incles tall.


Here's another bank I bought from a lady who had it for many years. It also says on the back: "Western Publishing Co. Play Pal Plastics" along with the date 1973. This bank is about 10 1/2 incles tall.


This bank has no date, but appears to be similar to a Lulu doll from the early 80's. She is definitely after 1972 because of the way Little Lulu is written - that is the way it was written after Marge sold the rights to Western. This bank is about 7.5" tall. It has marked on the bottom Trade Mark and Copyright "Western Publishing Co, Inc." It also has stamped on the bottom what looks like "Banthrico Chicago".


This bank is one of the newer Lulu items with a 1999 trademark and copyright GBPC (GB is for Golden Books - I don't know about PC). It also has on the bottom that it is made in China for Precious Kids (USA). This is the Little Lulu as she appears in the HBO cartoons.It is about 10" tall.


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