Little Lulu Comic Book Adult Character Names

When I re-read Little Lulu comics over the past few years I noticed, for the first time, the names of the adults in the stories. Oh, I had always chuckled at Mr. McNabbem's name for the truant officer and Professor Clef's name for Tubby's violin teacher, but then I noticed Lulu's piano teacher's name, Miss Treble. So I began to pay attention to the names of some of the other adults. Soon, I was fascinated with them and began to make a list of the names.

Below is the list I have compiled of some of the unique names of the adults in the Little Lulu comics. If you know of others, I'd love the add them to this list. You can see images from the comics of these characters by clicking on the numbers in the right column.

Name Occupation Story Title Issue Pictures*
Mr. McNabbem Truant Officer Mr McNabbem LL48 1
Mr. Gruffly Principal Late for School LL33 1 2
Professor Cleff Tubby's Violin Teacher Music Lesson LL88 1 2
Mr. Kleff Tubby's Violin Teacher Calling All Elephants LL69 1 2
Miss Trebble Lulu's Piano Teacher The Music Lesson LL131 1 2
Mr. Kohlkutz Butcher Lucky Lulu LL29 1
Mr. Herringbone Tailor The Well-Dressed Ghost LL65 1 2
Mr. Kruller Baker Fancy Cake LL122 1
Dr. Pullem Dentist Toothaches LL91 1 2
Dr. Pulley Dentist Toothache LL19 1 2
Dr. Yowell Dentist Fuzzithingus Poopi LL25 1
Mr. Pouch Mailman Air Mail Letter LL154 1
Miss Daisy McPetal Flower Arranger Wild Parakeet Chase LL143 1
Mr. Pestle Pharmacist Silent Partner LL144 1 2
Ol' Man Gripe Crabby Neighbor Forbidden Fruit LLFC146 1 2
Mr. Grump Crabby Neighbor Hide'N Seek LL79 1

*Pictures copyright Marge Henderson Buell

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  Page last updated 22 Jan 2005.
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