Little Lulu Questions and Answers

Looking for a Lulu Story?

Still Looking for These Stories

Found Lulu Stories

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Still Looking for Answers

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Looking for a Lulu Story?

Still Looking for These Stories

I am still looking for the following stories viewers have asked about. Do you know what issue any of these are in? If so, please contact me at

If you are looking for your favorite Little Lulu or Tubby story, you might find it in the list below of Found Lulu Stories. Or you might look at Jon Merril's Little Lulu Comic Index or Tubby Index.

Select the links below for more information about them.

1. A white bracelet
Tubby Tomkins more famous than Napoleon
Fudge that makes wishes come true
Lulu looking around a bush down at little space ships
Lulu watching a magician sawing a woman in half
Tubby and a Chinese laundry ticket
A girl in the snow like the Little Matchbox Girl story

Lulu told not to hold a bakery-bought cake by the string
Lucretia and the midget jewel thief
Santa tossing presents down to people from the sky
A dome worn that affects music ability

"No more ____, no more pool, you must go to summer school"
A Martian wearing a "cancellator helmet"
16. Iggy chewing sticky candy with his mouth wide open
17. All work and no play make Jack
An enchanted house with an old woman that is there one day but gone the next
19. Alvin pulls Lulu out of the bush and sits on her for the rest of the story
20. Lulu was in the park with a merry-go-round
21. Lulu and Alvin running from a skunk - also a bazaar

23. A character named Yogurt Wheatgerm
24. I'll just give these dishes a lick and a promise--I'll promise to finish licking them in the morning.
Lulu or Tubby made orangeade or lemonade and only used one orange or lemon
Lulu vaccuming watermelon seeds

1. A white bracelet
I have memories of some Lulu story involving a white bracelet. Have you seen that one, or am I just nuts?

2. Tubby Tomkins more famous than Napoleon
The most powerful memory of Little Lulu I have was a scene between Tubby and Iggy.  Tubby was telling Iggy his fantasy.  He said something like, "What I want when I grow up is for Miss Feeny tosay to the class, 'Who is Napoleon?' and the kids won't know.  Then she'll say, 'Who is Alexander The Great?' and the kids won't know.  But then she'll say, 'Who is Tubby Tomkins?' and the kids will go, 'YEAAA!'" Something like that.  I read that almost fifty years ago and never forgot it.  I'd love to find that strip again.  Do you know it? (Note: This might be in a Tubby comic)
A) I found a story with an incident similar to this: "The Super Puzzle" LL #123 September 1958. Tubby is talking to Lulu and he created a "super fantastic gigantic jigsaw puzzle"; people will forget about all the other great inventions when they hear about his. He tells Lulu, "Somebody will ask 'When did Benjamin Franklin invent electricity?' an' everybody will answer, 'Who's Benjamin Franklin?' Then somebody will say 'When did Tubby invent the super colossal jigsaw puzzle?' an' everybody will yell '1958'!

3. Fudge that makes wishes come true
Lulu is licking fudge from a sundae and her wishes come true. (Note: There is a story called The Magic Fudge, in #32 Feb. 1951, in which Lulu makes some fudge that allows her to fly wherever she wants to go.)

4. Lulu looking around a bush down at little space ships
I remember a LL comic where space ships are landing, little white space ships with antennae.  And LL is looking over a fence or around a bush or something down at the little space ship.  Could this have been in a Tubby comic?  I would like to search for that issue, whatever it is.  Thanks so much.

5. Lulu watching a magician sawing a woman in half
I have a question concerning Little Lulu that I hope you can answer for me.  There is either a Little Lulu comic book or animated cartoon in which Lulu is watching a magician perform the sawing a woman in half illusion.  Do you happen to know the title of the comic book or the name of the episode of the cartoon in which this took place?  I'd appreciate receiving this information if it's available.

6. Tubby and a Chinese laundry ticket
The only story I remember is TUBBY and a Chinese laundry ticket. It was probably around 1953 or 1954 and I think it was reprinted in an annual. How can I get a copy of that story.

Note: I received the following remarks about this question:

1. ) The only story in a pre-1958 Tubby comic that has anything Chinese is "The Stamp Collector," in which Tubby tells Wilbur's father that he has a rare stamp that the Chinese laundryman gave him, and Wilbur's father begs Tubby to sell it to him, but Tubby says he'll give it to him if he spanks Wilbur, and the stamp turns out only to be a picture of the stamp. It is in Tubby #10, Oct-Dec 1954. Maybe the story you remember was in a Little Lulu comic?

2. ) This is a funny story (aren’t they all) but the one I vaguely remember seems to have had more Chinese laundry in it?

7. A girl in the snow like the Little Matchbox Girl story
I remember a Little Lulu story about a little girl in the snow.  It seemed somewhat like the Little Matchbox Girl story.  Does that sound familiar?  Little Lulu was my favorite comic book back in the 50's.

8. Lulu using a piece of gum attached to a string to retrieve a coin
What is the name of the Little Lulu book in which Little Lulu spots a coin in a city storm drain and takes a piece of gum attached to a string and lowers it into the storm drain to retrieve the coin?
Note: There is a story in which Lulu gets a coin using gum on a stick rather than a string: "The Leftover Christmas Tree" LL #54 Dec. 1952

9. Lulu told not to hold a bakery-bought cake by the string
My question is which was the comic that Lulu's father told her never to hold a bakery bought cake by the string because it will break and of course lulu buys a cake from the bakery and holds it in the box by the string and it falls?

Note: I received this message: Regarding question #9: "Lulu told not to hold a bakery-bought cake by the string." Could this be "Takes the Cake" in Four Color #158? In that one, Lulu tells Tubby the correct way to hold a cake is by the string, which Tubby does, and the cake falls and Tubby steps on it.

10. Lucretia and the midget jewel thief
Now, I think the other story came from Lulu, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it involved a character named Lucretia, and Lulu was chasing her but when she caught her and yelled out her name, the character who, from behind looked like Lulu's friend, turned around and to Lulu's shock, was not Lucretia at all, but was a little woman who blurted out at her, "I'm ______,(name lost to time) the midget jewel thief!" And so, the police were called and Lulu was a hero for catching her!

11. Santa tossing presents down to people from the sky
I think it would be Xmas 1959.  I believe I was in the 5th grade.  Maybe 6th, which would make it 1960, I think.   The story was about Santa and his reindeer spotting kids and other people who needed help and tossing presents down to from the sky.  It may have been a story that Little them Lulu told to Alvin or someone.  Does it ring a bell?

12. A dome worn that affects music ability
I am wondering if you know which comic has a story where there is a dome worn that has an effect on music playing ability... I would be so appreciative to find that issue.

14. "No more ____, no more pool, you must go to summer school"
I stumbled upon your Little Lulu web page and was quite impressed.  I got to thinking about a Little Lulu cartoon I saw many years ago.  It starts with Lulu and her friends playing hooky at the end of the school year singing "No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks" and when they finally show up at school on the last day the principal tells them "No more ____, no more pool, you must go to summer school" or something like that.  Do you know if this was an animated cartoon or was it just a comic strip?

15. A Martian wearing a "cancellator helmet".
I'm trying to track down an issue of either Little Lulu or Tubby (I'm not sure which) that contains a story involving a Martian wearing a "cancellator helmet."  Does that ring any bells?

16. Iggy chewing sticky candy with his mouth wide open
My mother use to read Little Lulu as a child. She really enjoyed reading those comic books. There was one in particular, that she has never forgotten. It made her laugh so much. I could not find it in the Little Lulu Library. My mother could not remember the year it was printed. If her memory serves correct, this is the plot.   Little Lulu and Iggy make some sort of homemade candy. When Iggy puts it in his mouth, he can barely chew it. It is very sticky. His mouth is real opened as he tries to chew the very sticky candy. My mom really enjoyed that one because she said Iggy looked so funny chewing it.   I would really appreciate if you could possibly look at the year it was printed.

17. All work and no play make Jack
Basically, the story I remember I would call "All work and no play makes Jack".  Possibly an Alvin story, a little girl (Lulu) ventures to a land where everybody is frowning. Their leader says that's because the credo is that previous quote.  Lulu pulls it off the wall to reveal the rest of the saying which is "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy".  Everybody is happy now because they can play and work.  

18. An enchanted house with an old woman that is there one day but gone the next
Little Lulu--or Annie--stumbles upon an interesting enchanted house one day, and comes back another day only to find that it is no  longer there.  An old woman lived there who gave her presents, I think. 

19. Alvin pulls Lulu out of the bush and sits on her for the rest of the story
I remember a story where Lulu is pushing her doll carriage and sees Alvin and starts running.  She falls down a hill into a bush.  Alvin pulls her out of the bush and sits on her for the rest of the story.  This story would most likely have been in an issue from 1953-1955.  Note: I sent this reply - "I went through comics between Jul '51 and June '58 with no luck. But then I decided I'd try a little farther back - and found the story, "The Rock Candy Mine" in LL #23, May, 1950 - not to be confused with the Little Lulu Dell Giant #23 that is for sale at right now." I put the story on my web site at

I then received this message - "I had previously sent an e-mail about a Little Lulu story where she is pushing her baby carriage and sees Alvin and runs and falls down a hill into a bush. Alvin pulls her out of the bush and sits on her and she has to tell him a story.  You posted 'The Rock Candy Mine' in which this does happen, but it is not the story I remember.  The story I remember is only about five pages and for the whole five pages Alvin is sitting on Little Lulu.  Two possibilities are #58 and #83 but I am not sure.  Obviously the scene of Little Lulu running and falling into a bush and Alvin sitting on her was used more than once." I rechecked #58 and #83 and didn't see it in there.

20. Lulu was in the park with a merry-go-round.
All I remember is that Lulu was at the park with someone else. They went to some kind of food stand and sat at a table. 
They had a picnic, and there was a merry-go-round, and I think, a zoo.  She is in a park, and the drawings were just so charming. I would have had the book around 1950-1953. Thank you for any help. 

21. Lulu and Alvin running from a skunk - also a bazaar
I was wondering if you could tell me about a certain little lulu story.   I work with an autistic person who loves little lulu and he always tell's me a story about a  skunk and her and alvin running, he also mentions a bazzar.  I would love to get the video or book for him.  If you can help it would be greatly appreciated. 

23. A character named Yogurt Wheatgerm
Today in conversation one thing led to another and I had a recollection that there was a character in little lulu comics that my sister who had the subscription didn't remember.  The character was not part of the regular stories but rather on either the inside covers or outside back cover... it is possible the character was in the Tubby comics.  His name was Yogurt Wheatgerm.  Do you have any recollection of this character? My feeling is it was around 1956 - 60 maybe a year or two later but that would be a stretch. Pressing my 63 year brain I remember him as a character who unexpectedly did well in athletic events. I don't think there was balloon dialogue. I THINK he was tallish, curly hair and big round glasses.

24. "I'll just give these dishes a lick and a promise--I'll promise to finish licking them in the morning."
I remember one line, which I use to this day, from a "thought bubble" in one of the Witch Hazel stories.  "I'll just give these dishes a lick and a promise--I'll promise to finish licking them in the morning."  Anyone else remember that? I think the story line that quote came from had something to do with Witch Hazel making a "little girl" (always portrayed as Lulu herself) do all her chores for her.  The top of the picture would say what Lulu was saying to Little Alvin--in this case, "She decided to give the dishes a lick and a promise, and go on to bed."  The "thought bubble" from the little girl's picture said, "I'll finish licking them in the morning."  Does that sound familiar at all?  As a child, I thought that phrase "a lick and a promise" was so funny, because I'd never heard it before.

25. Lulu or Tubby made orangeade or lemonade and only used one orange or lemon
I remember one comic......when I was a little girl .........she or Tubby made a ice orangeade or lemonade and only used one orange or was it a lemon and the tiny pieces were floating around it this large container...........

26. Lulu vaccuming watermelon seeds
I remember an epidsode when LuLu was eating watermelon with tubby and it had seeds all over it so tubby was spitting them out then lulu used a vacuum to get all the seeds out


Found Lulu Stories

Below are stories people were looking for that have been located. You might find one of your favorites in this list! Select to see more information about these stories.

1. Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Alaska #1 1959 Read Lulu and Tubby in Alaska!!
"The Big Snow" LL #18, December 1949 Read The Big Snow!!
"Alvin Baba and the Forty Thieves" LL #3, May-June 1948
"Five Little Babies" LL #38, August 1951 Read Five Little Babies!!
"Riding the Pookle"LL #44 February 1952
"Snow Giant" LL #30, December 1950
"Little Itch and the Frozen False Face" Dell Giant Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun #6 1957
"The Ghost Train" LL #47 May 1952
"Paid in Full" LL #58 April 1953
"The Guest in the Ghost Hotel" #7 Jan-Mar 1954
"Hallo Weenies" Halloween Giant #6 1957 Read the story with Hallo Weenies!!
Oona Goosepimple, the magical girl behind the fireplace Read a story with Oona Goosepimple and Another Story with Oona
"All Dressed Up" LL #41 November 1951
"The Throw Rug" LL #64 October 1953
"The Super Long-String Yo-Yo" LL #62 August 1953
"Camp Sha-ka-tot" Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp #5 1957
"Two Foots is Feet" LL #94 1956
"The Flagoogle" Marge's Tubby #13 July-September 1955 and Marge's Tubby and the Little Men from Mars
"Lulu Van Winkle" LL #34 April 1951
Little Lulu in Paris LL #165
"Voodoo Hoodoo" Four Color #238 August 1949 by Carl Barks
"Tub's Twin Brother" in Little Lulu #87 September 1955
"Bad Dream" Little Lulu #83 May 1955
"The Ghost Party" Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4 1956
"'Ol Witch Hazel and the Golden Boulders" Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4 1956; reprinted in LL #170 December 1963
"Little Itch's Spell" LL #86 August 1955
"The Explorers" in LL #66 December 1953
"The Case of the Faceprint on the Towel" LL #69 March 1954; reprint LL #176 June 1965
Tubby's Rogue's Gallery in "The Flatterer" in LL #120 June 1958
Tubby's mother growing wings in "Strong Boy" LL #122 Aug 1958
The Super Puzzle" LL #123 September 1958
Lulu smoking in "Never Again" LL FC 165 October 1947
Witch Hazel...babysitting by sitting on the baby in "Little Itch Babysits" LL #112 October 1957
34. Tubby inside an Easter egg in "The Christmas Bunny" in LL #127 January 1959.
35. A Witch Hazel story where pumpkins were scooped out in several stories.
. Do you know about a Little Lulu story based on "The Scarlet Letter"?
Lulu, Annie and Fifi with new hairdos and falling in a bathtub in "Wet Mumday", in LL #129, March 1959 Read Wet Mumday!!
The Little Girl With No Name in LL #20
39. Lulu and her friends go through the Panama Canal in Dell Giant #42 Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Australia
Hazel turned Lulu into a water pipe in "That Awful Witch Hazel Again" in LL #45
41. Hazel flew on a vacuum cleaner in "Ol’ Witch Hazel and the Fancy Vacuum Cleaner" in LL # 131
42. Hazel turned Lulu into a rock in That Awful Witch Hazel in LL #39 September 1951
43. Lulu and circus friends in Little Lulu Lucky Landlady 1973 - a Whitman Tale-A-Tale book
44. Lulu and Iggy in a story that talks about the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby in Alaska #1 1959
45. Lulu swinging very high in a one-pages on inside front cover of LL #8, Feb 1949
The kids getting tattoos in Tubby Tattoo in LL #58
Lulu and a houseboat
48. Lulu ends up at the end of a pier. Is she wearing Dr. Dentons?

49. Lulu using a piece of gum attached to a string to retrieve a coin

1. Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Alaska #1 1959
I also remember a comic where Lulu and Tubby went to Alaska.  Do you have any idea which comics they are? 
Q) I particularly remember an issue, which I didn't see on your web page - and I think it was a giant annual issue - where they all went to Alaska and saw the northern lights, among their many other adventures. I would love to obtain a copy of this issue. Anybody seen it??????? It was probably 1954, 1955 or 1956.
A) This is in one of the Dell Giant comics called Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Alaska #1 (1959).
Read Lulu and Tubby in Alaska!!

2. "The Big Snow" LL #18, December 1949
Can you help me...I'm looking all over for a little Lulu comic that has little Lulu buried by a snow storm.  She has to dig out from her house.  That comic brings back such wonderful memories and I cannot find it anywhere. Thanks, Elaine
Q) Maybe you could refresh my memory about one issue.  All I remember about it was that it snowed and snowed until the whole house was covered.  The she took a spoon and tunneled out.  Could you tell me more about this issue?
Q) I'm a frustrated would-be collector of Little Lulu comics from the fifties. I have memories like yours. Have you ever seen a "Giant" (25¢!!) comic, with a story entitled something like "Little Lulu Digs Through the Snow" or "The Big Snow" or something like that? I've looked for that one forever, and it eludes me. I think of all those comics my mom threw away...and how much they're worth now!!
Q) I am trying to find an old Little Lulu comic from the late forties, early-mid fifties.  All I recall about it is one story, which has stuck in my mind like glue for all these many years.  It concerned a huge blizzard that snowed in the whole town, and Little Lulu and Tubby tunnelled their way through the snowbacks, running into fire hydrants, etc.  If I could find out the number of that issue, I would be overjoyed. 
Another story I recall, is where Lulu tunnels out of her house after a big snow storm. Do you know what year that comic was ? I would really enjoy finding one of those, just to see again.
A) It's in LL #18, December, 1949. It's called "The Big Snow." Read The Big Snow!!

3. "Alvin Baba and the Forty Thieves" LL #3, May-June 1948
I enjoyed your Little Lulu web page.  I just started acquiring some Lulu comics, which I remember fondly from my childhood.  I'm going nuts trying to locate a Lulu story that involves Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves -- it's probably one of Lulu's stories for Alvin.  I can't find it in Vols. II through VI of the Another Rainbow series.  If you recall having read this story, I'd appreciate hearing from you.
A) I found "Alvin Baba and the forty thieves" in LL #3, May-June, 1948, which also appears in Vol. I of Another Rainbow.

4. "Five Little Babies" LL #38, August 1951
I believe that it was in the fall of 1951 my dad bought me a Little Lulu comic book which had a story about Little Lulu hiding the boys in her baby carriage when they lost their clothes.  Have you seen that issue?  I think my mom threw it away when we got tired of reading it. I have a bunch of old Little Lulu comic books from the old days and I still love to read them.  I am 54 years old.
A) It's in LL #38, August, 1951 issue. The story is called "Five Little Babies."
Read Five Little Babies!!

5. "Riding the Pookle"LL #44 February 1952
I'm an American anthropologist living in Kenya.  I haven't thought of Little Lulu since about 1959. Now I'm looking for one of her comic book stories I read as a child in the late forties or early fifties.  The title as I recall it was Riding the Pookle.  It was about Tubby lording it over Lulu about his daredevil bravery in riding the Pookle. The Pookle turned out to be a storm drain or something like that. He would strip to his underwear and get into the huge pipe and float through with the rain water and come out the other end. 
A) It's in the Feb. 1952 issue LL #44 and is "Riding the Pookle."

6. "Snow Giant" LL #30, December 1950
I was born in South Africa (1942) and LL became a prominent feature of my boyhood in the early-mid 50s. The comics had a magic which I can still feel. The adventure I remember most of all was the one where she meets a giant snowman do you know of this one. Unfortunately - for some strange reason - England never got to know of the dear little girl, so I would be very much obliged if you let me know if it is at all possible to obtain a copy of a collection of the cartoons.
A) This story is the "Snow Giant" in Little Lulu #30, December, 1950 issue.

7. "Little Itch and the Frozen False Face"
Lulu . . . gets some custard on her face which hardens into a
star-like shape.
A) This is "Little Itch and the Frozen False Face" in the Dell Giant Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun #6 (1957).

8. "The Ghost Train" LL #47 May 1952
Does anyone remember a story about Little Lulu as a poor child who is forced to pick up
coal along the railroad tracks and somehow she discovers this entire mountain that is really coal???  I think the witch is involved somehow.  I just remember her wandering along trying to find pieces of coal.
Q) I am especially interested in finding the issue that had the story about Little Lulu picking up coal from the railroad tracks.  I think she was having a dream about it.
Q) Like many people I have my favorite Lulu stories - would love to find a copy with the story in which Lulu is either dreaming or telling a tale about how she flags down a ghost train using a lantern stained red with beeble berry juice so the train can finally stop - or something like that. 
A) It's in #47 May, 1952, in "The Ghost Train."

9. "Paid in Full" LL #58 April 1953
Tubby finds a stamp..I think it says "paid in full"..he stamps everything in sight.
A) The "Paid in Full" story is in #58, April 1953.  Tubby is in a cowboy outfit and has Lulu make cow noises while he chases her with a rope.  He lassos Lulu and wrestles her to the sidewalk and prepares to brand her with the stamp.  Of course, she overpowers him and proceeds to stamp "Paid In Full" all over his whole body. (Thanks Jon Merrill for the information.)

10. "The Guest in the Ghost Hotel" #7 Jan-Mar 1954
Tubby (and others?) go into a spooky forest (swamp?)..they have a real scary time in a haunted house..they escape with someone (thing) chasing them..they get away in time to see the house sink in the swamp (quicksand?) at the beginning of this story, tubby's mother says the day tubby comes home and goes to sleep because he's too tired to eat dinner, will be the day she grows story's end, his mom opens the front door to see Tubby asleep on the front step, exhausted from the day's frightening adventures and late for dinner..she turns to her husband and says,"do you see anything growing out of my back?"
I remember "The Guest in the Ghost Hotel" with Tubby in the house that sinks into the swamp very well.  It is in Tubby #7, Jan-Mar 1954. The other part of the story about his mother getting wings is not that story; it is more likely a different story from a later Tubby.  I don't recall it, but I don't know the later Tubbys that well, although I have them all. (Thanks Jon Merrill for the information.)

11. "Hallo Weenies" Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun #6 1957
I just recently decided to try to look for one of my old favorite comics, and I think you might be a resource.  I am looking for a Halloween edition where Itch is selling hot dogs door-to-door calling "Hallo!  Weenies!", and that was supposed to be how Halloween got its name. 

I'm looking for a story that was in a Little Lulu comic.  It was something about Lulu in the woods, maybe one with Witch Hazel.  But it was how Halloween got it's name.  I remember something about hot dogs..hello weenie.  Ever run across it?
A) "Hallo Weenies" is in the first Halloween giant, Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun #6 1957

I just scanned and added the Lulu story to my website - you may see it at http//

12. Oona Goosepimple, the magical girl behind the fireplace
I've been trying to follow up on an old memory concerning what I thought was a Little Lulu character; only, I haven't found any mention of her.   It must have been around 1960 when, as a child, I was reading a comic while waiting for my Mom at a doctor's office.  I thought the character's name was 'Olga,' but I might be wrong.   The main thing was that this was a very strange girl and strange things would always happen when she was involved.  She was kind of gothic, and I'm thinking that the author might have been alluding to some lesbian nature with this character from Lulu's perspective.  I think the story involved a big maze-like house (probably Olga's,  or whoever her name was) where little was as it seemed, and we would all get lost or confused in trying to follow or find the whereabouts of this strange girl.        Does any of this make sense to you?  If you know who I'm talking about, I'd appreciate it if you'd fill me in so that I'd know for sure this hasn't been some daydream of my own invention.  Thanks!
Q) Wasn't there a comic or two where Lulu goes behind the fireplace and has a sort of surreal adventure? Does anyone remember a "behind the fireplace" Lulu or is that just my imagination or was that another comic altogether? Lulu behind the fireplace?  Anyone?  
Q) I was a big comic book reader in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and Little Lulu was one of my favorites. I may be all wrong about this, but did not one of the recurring story lines from that time consist of Little Lulu going through a mousehole in her house and then experiencing a whole different universe (or maybe it was a pararllel universe)?
Q) Was there not a character in the Lulu comics called Oona Goosepimple?  It was a very surreal type of storyline wherein Oona would sit in a big overstuffed armchair.  The chair would then come to life and wrap its arms around her, and she would daydream/dream an adventure.  At the end of the story she would wake up in the chair.  Does anyone remember that, or am I losing my mind?  I definitely remember this character, and I have a strong feeling it was associated with the Little Lulu comics. Any help on this would be welcome.
Q) All I could remember was a little girl and some weird adventures that took her to another sphere or world a couple of times. I remembered this comic, but cannot remember the weird happenings.

Q) Can you help my memory and tell me about the spooky mansion and the dark little girl who lived there? What was her name? I loved those stories the most...they were sooo mysterious. I read Little Lulu comics in the 50's... late 50's.
I remember a little lulu character called "una"  she dressed in all black and little lulu would have such adventures with her.  I think she had a cloud over her head too. Do you have any information on any issues with this character in them?
I am writing because I loved the Lulu comics when I was a kid in the 50s.  But I remember either she, or one of her friends, had an uncle who was a magician and really little.  He would make the kids small and they would go through a mouse hole in the house and then they would be in his house and he would do magic tricks and stuff.  I can't remember whose uncle he was or what his name was.  Does anyone know?  If so, please, please, please let me know.  This has been bugging me for years.  Thank you
A) The magical girl behind the fireplace is not in the Lulu comics.  Those stories are in the Nancy comics in 1959, and the girl's name is Oona Goosepimple.  She is very often confused with Lulu because after John Stanley stopped doing Lulu in early 1959, his next project was doing the Nancy comics, and Oona was his creation.
(Thanks Jon Merrill for the information.)
Oona stories appear in Nancy and Sluggo comics 166-178 and in 190-192
(final three Nancy and Sluggo comics ever published). (According to the Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, Oona appeared in issues 166-176. However, I have 177 and 178 and Oona is in those, too - but not in 179.)

Below is part of a page from "Nancy and Oona Goosepimple's Fireplace" from Nancy #172 November 1959. (You may click on it for a larger version).

© 1959, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

See The Human Gumball, a story with Oona Goosepimple.

See Yo Yo Mirrors, another story with Oona Goosepimple

Here's an original storyboard drawing by John Stanley from the first Oona Goosepimple story. Click on the thumbnail for a larger version.

13. "All Dressed Up" LL #41 November 1951
Hi!  I really enjoyed your web site on Little Lulu!  I hope you can help me with a question.  Do you remember a story about Little Lulu spending the night in a department store and pretending she was a doll? 
A) The story Lulu tells Alvin with the Poor Little Girl spending the night in a department store and pretending she is a mannequin is "All Dressed Up" in LL #41, November 1951.  She is bought by a rich girl and the rich girl takes her home. (Thanks Jon Merrill for the information.)

14. "The Throw Rug" LL #64 October 1953
I remember my very favourite story was one where Lulu had a little round rug by her bed.  The rug turned into a pool and she swims into the ocean.  I think she meets Neptune.  Do you know that story?
A) That story is "The Throw Rug", in Little Lulu #64, October 1953.

15. "The Super Long-String Yo-Yo" LL #62 August 1953
While waiting for the bus one day I noticed a partial "Tubby" issue. It was a story about how he discovered that if he threw a yo-yo from a high place, like a roof, then jumped off after it, the yo-yo would reach the end of it's string, break his fall and he would land safely on the ground un-hurt.      To prove his theory, he boarded an airplane with the ultimate high jump test. On the plane he met a little boy who's father was in the parachute business. Thinking that this yo-yo jump could ruin his fathers business he asked to inspect it and in the process, he cut the string.      When the time came for the jump, and Tubby not knowing the string had been cut, prepared for the jump, said good-by to everyone on the plane and with cheers from the passengers, he jumped.      As luck would have it and this being a partial comic, I never found out what happens.  I've been waiting around 40 years for the answer and now the help with your site, I'll find out. This comic must have been published in the 50's maybe around "55. I sure hope someone remembers this story.
A) "The Super Long-String Yo-Yo" is in Little Lulu #62, August 1953. What the reader didn't remember was at the beginning of the story, Tubby's yo-yo came up and hit him in the head, and he fell off of the chair he was standing on to test his long-string yo-yo. So after Tubby jumped out of the plane and discovered his yo-yo string was cut, he yelled "Help!" The next scene is of Tubby on the floor of his room yelling "Save me!!" and his mother coming into his room. She said "That's a funny place to fall asleep!" and Tubby responded, "Gosh! Thanks, Ma! You saved my life!"

16. "Camp Sha-ka-tot" Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp #5 1957
I think it must have been in a Summer Fun issue- what I remember is fuzzy. Lulu and some of the others (maybe Annie??) are , I think, in a tent, perhaps in the dark... the conversation  is "Who?"....."Who said 'who'?"......"Who said 'who said who'?" An owl is involved, does this ring a bell?
A) The story is "Camp Sha-ka-tot" in Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby at Summer Camp #5, 1957.

17. "Two Foots is Feet" LL #94 1956
My sister and I have a favorite Little Lulu comic book memory -- fuzzy, but a memory.  Lulu and Iggy (I think) discover that if you repeat a word often enough, it becomes funny.  They repeat "foot" until they're clinging to each other with helpless laughter.  One of them says (more or less) "I know something that's twice as funny as 'foot' -- 'feet!' " and they roll on the floor with mirth. 
Q) Do you have any idea which comic might have the following scene in it: Lulu and (we think) Tubby are falling down laughing as they repeat "Foot, feet, foot, feet" over and over.  I would love to get this comic for a friend of mine I grew up with - reading little Lulu comics.
A) It's "Two Foots is Feet" in the April 1956 #94 issue of Little Lulu. It's Lulu and Alvin who keep repeating the word "foot".

18. "The Flagoogle" Marge's Tubby #13 July-September 1955
A friend has asked me to inquire you or anyone remembers a comic with Tubby and the Men from Mars involving a "hairpin-like" object known as a "flagoogle" (sp?). 
A) The Tubby story "The Flagoogle" is in 2 comics: Marge's Tubby #13 from July-September, 1955 and Marge's Tubby and the Little Men from Mars, which is a reprint of some of the stories with the Little Men from Mars.

19. "Lulu Van Winkle" LL #34 April 1951
I am trying to find the Little Lulu comic book in which LL explains to the reader how her father broke his ax handle, hence could not work, and LL and her mother had to search the forest for beebleberries...  Any idea of what issue and year this was?
A) The story is called "Lulu Van Winkle", and it's found in LL #34 April 1951.

20. Little Lulu in Paris LL #165
Q) I'm looking for an issue of Little Lulu where she goes to Paris with her neighbors, and they go up to the Notre Damne Cathedral, would you know what issue that is?
A) That is LL #165 - Little Lulu in

21) "Voodoo Hoodoo" Four Color #238 August 1949 by Carl Barks
Q) I just found your site and think it's great fun.  My mom swears she had  a little Lulu comic book with a character named "Bombie the Zombie" in it when she was a little kid.  Her older brother used to chase her around the house imitating Bombie and he's become something of a household name.  I've been looking for years for this particular issue and can find no mention of it anywhere.  Have you heard of it?  Do you know where I could go to find it?  I know it would just make her year.
A) Bombie the Zombie was not in a Lulu comic; he was in a Donald Duck comic by Carl Barks.  The comic was called "Voodoo Hoodoo" and was Four Color #238, August 1949. (Thanks Jon Merrill for the information.)

22. "Tub's Twin Brother" in Little Lulu #87 September 1955
Q) This is kind of crazy, but there is a certain episode of Little Lulu I have been trying to find.  Lulu is chosen to name the new baby hippo at the zoo.  Tubby is convinced she will name it Tubby, so he changes his name to Lancelot.  She,of course, names the hippo Lancelot.
    Do you remember that story?  I still remember it from 45 years ago. 
A) That story is "Tub's Twin Brother" in Little Lulu #87 from September 1955.

23. "Bad Dream" Little Lulu #83 May 1955
Q) I "inherited" a book from a cousin--wish I had it still--my favorite was when Lulu had a dream her "Pop" was a bratty little boy--this little bald-headed kid with a moustache running amouck.  When she woke up her first words to Dad were "I'm glad you're looking so old!"
A) It's "Bad Dream" in Little Lulu #83 from May 1955.

24. "The Ghost Party" Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4 1956
Q) I have all the Little Lulu Halloween giants except one I remember having as a child.  The cover had been ripped off, but it contained stories of Lulu having a "ghost" party in the basement.  I've acquired a "gold key" reprint that has one of these stories, so I know I must not be hallucinating, but there seem to be no more Little Lulu giants with Halloween covers!  Does anyone know which issue this was?  Were there more than five Halloween giants?  Thanks.
A) "The Ghost Party" is the last story in the Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4 from 1956. This is the story where Lulu's Dad, after chasing the little "ghosts" out of the house, tries to convince the last "ghost" to come bck in - which happens to be a fire hydrant with one of the kid's sheet draped over it. There is a picture of Lulu riding a unicycle with ski poles for support and Witch Hazel on the ground with her unicycle and broom.

25. "'Ol Witch Hazel and the Golden Boulders" Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4
The question is about our most memorable story - "Old Witch Hazel and the Golden Boulders". This was a Lulu dream about Hazel and Itch's greed, etc. ("Mine, mine, all mine!", repeatedly).
A) The story "'Ol Witch Hazel and the Golden Boulders" is in the Dell Giant Little Lulu and Her Friends #4 from 1956. The story is also reprinted in the "Gold key" issue #170, December 1963.

26. "Little Itch's Spell" LL #86 August 1955
Do you know which Little Lulu comic book or series had a poor little girl story.  She lived in a forest and was so poor that she used a log for a pillow. It may have been late 50's but probably the 60's.
I found several stories in which the poor little girl is sleeping on a bed with a block of wood for a pillow. The first was "Little Itch's Spell" in LL #86, August 1955

27. "The Explorers" in LL #66 December 1953
Lulu and Tubby, and maybe some of the other characters were going on some kind of adventure and I remember them singing a little ditty that went something like.." Onward, ever onward, and upward..." (as they stepped over logs in the woods).
That story is "The Explorers" in LL #66, December, 1953.

28. "The Case of the Faceprint on the Towel" LL #69 March 1954; reprint LL #176
Q) The one issue that she liked so well was the one of Tubby being "The Spider" and taking "face prints" to solve the mystery.  As usual he suspected Little Lulu's father. Could you by chance identify the issue that had that story?
A) "The Case of the Faceprint on the Towel" appears in two comics - first in LL #69, March, 1954, and then as a reprint in LL #176, June, 1965. In LL #176 it appears on the cover of the comic with a picture of the towel with Lulu's Pop's faceprint on it.

29. Tubby's Rogue's Gallery in "The Flatterer" in LL #120 June 1958.
Q) Tubby takes pictures of his friends..Lulu allows him to take one of her..Lulu asks Tubby why he's taking pictures..turns out, he's starting a Rogue's Gallery..if anyone he has pictures of is wanted by the police, he will give the police the picture to help catch the person, his friend (?).
A) Tubby's Rogue's Gallery is in "The Flatterer" in LL #120 June 1958.

30. Tubby's mother growing wings in "Strong Boy" LL #122 Aug 1958
Q)Tubby's mother says the day Tubby comes home and goes to sleep because he's too tired to eat dinner, will be the day she grows story's end, his mom opens the front door to see Tubby asleep on the front step, exhausted from the day's frightening adventures and late for dinner..she turns to her husband and says,"do you see anything growing out of my back?"
A) Tubby's mother saying she'll grow wings in is
"Strong Boy" LL #122 Aug 1958.

31. "The Super Puzzle" LL #123 September 1958
Q) The most powerful memory of Little Lulu I have was a scene between Tubby and Iggy.  Tubby was telling Iggy his fantasy.  He said something like, "What I want when I grow up is for Miss Feeny tosay to the class, 'Who is Napoleon?' and the kids won't know.  Then she'll say, 'Who is Alexander The Great?' and the kids won't know.  But then she'll say, 'Who is Tubby Tomkins?' and the kids will go, 'YEAAA!'" Something like that.  I read that almost fifty years ago and never forgot it.  I'd love to find that strip again.  Do you know it? (Note: This might be in a Tubby comic)
A) I found a story with an incident similar to this: "The Super Puzzle" LL #123 September 1958. Tubby is talking to Lulu and he created a "super fantastic gigantic jigsaw puzzle"; people will forget about all the other great inventions when they hear about his. He tells Lulu, "Somebody will ask 'When did Benjamin Franklin invent electricity?' an' everybody will answer, 'Who's Benjamin Franklin?' Then somebody will say 'When did Tubby invent the super colossal jigsaw puzzle?' an' everybody will yell '1958'!

Note: I received this message with additional information about this question: "Somebody on your page was asking about a story where Tubby is telling Iggy that one day everybody will know his name, even those that have never heard of Napoleon.
I think it must have been a common Tubby rant because in addition to the super puzzle you already mention, he goes through the same spiel (all by himself) when he invents the super yoyo. "In what year did Tubby invent the super yoyo? And they'll all reply..."
A super yoyo is a normal yoyo with a huge piece of string which works as a sort of pocket parachute. The story turns out to be a dream. I've seen it in a late 50s Spanish language edition.

32. Lulu smoking in "Never Again" LL FC #165 October 1947
Q) Another one I would like to see again is where Lulu and Annie make cigarettes out of their dolls hair, and try smoking them ! That would really be a funny one to see nowadays !
A) Lulu smokes in
"Never Again" LL FC #165 October 1947. In this story it's just Lulu (not Annie), and she uses her dolly's hair in her father's pipe and smokes it. She gets very sick from it.

33. Witch Hazel...babysitting by sitting on the baby in "Little Itch Babysits" LL #112 October 1957
Q) We moved back to England a couple of years later and I still have some of her comics. Does anyone remember Witch Hazel...babysitting by sitting on the baby? I would love to see that story again. I remember Little Lulu when we moved from England to America in 12th March, 1953.
A) This story is
"Little Itch Babysits" LL #112 October 1957. Actually, it's Little Itch who does the "babysitting" by sitting on the baby.

© 1957, by Marjorie Henderson Buell

34. Tubby inside an Easter egg in "The Christmas Bunny" in LL #127 January 1959.
Q) I grew up reading Little Lulu and Tubby in the late 50's and early 60's. The holiday season always reminds me of a particular story involving Tubby and an egg that had a snowscene inside. I seem to recall that somehow (dream?) Tubby ends up inside the egg and becomes part of the scene. I found your website (it's great!), and was hoping you could help me identify the comic book issue in which that particular story appeared. Thanks for your help.
A) The story is in LL #127, January 1959, and is called "The Christmas Bunny" in which "Tubby has a dream on Christmas Eve that he is inside an Easter egg with bunnies."

35. A Witch Hazel story where pumpkins were scooped out.
Q) I just discovered your website and for years have thought of a LL comic that I loved as a child and gave up when we moved.  Over the years(I'm now 50) I've thought of it many times wishing I still had it.  Some of the covers on your site look familiar to me but can't remember which cartoon was in which one. Specifically I'm looking for one with a Halloween theme in which pumpkins were scooped out and I believe Ol witch Hazel was in it.  Do you know which one I'm trying to find?
A) There were several stories like this:
Little Itch and the Scary Pumpkin in in Dell Giant Little Lulu and Witch Hazel Halloween Fun No. 36 1960
Lulu is carving a pumpkin, and tells this story to Alvin. The poor little girl (I'll call her Lulu) is worried because each Halloween the witch scares her and she gets scared out of a year's growth. So this year she found out that if she puts a scary-looking pumpkin in the window, no witch will enter the house. She has saved a dime, so she goes to buy a pumpkin, which are ten cents a pound. She can't find a one-pound pumpkin, so finally the storekeeper cut open a pumpkin and scooped out one pound and handed it to Lulu. She carried it home, and tried to make a scary pumpkin out of it, but it was just a blob "like silly putty". She got mad and threw it against the front door, and went to bed. During the night, Little Itch came in to the house to scare Lulu, slipped on the pumpkin glob by the door, bounced on the floor, the ceiling, and all the way home. Lulu woke up and realized she hadn't been scared out of a year's growth this year.
Little Itch and the Pumpkin Scarecrow in Dell Giant Marge's Little Lulu and Witch Hazel Trick 'N' Treat No. 50 1961
Alvins sitting amid a pile of pumpkins that fell on him and Lulu tells a story about the little girl (Lulu) who is chased into a corn field by Itch. She wants to make a scarecrow, so she piles up pumpkins into a snowman-looking pumpkin scarecrow, that comes to life and when Itch comes back to scare Lulu, the scarecrow chases Itch until he trips and falls, coming apart into separate pumpkins on Itch and crushing her into a flat cardboard-looking form. Lulu puts that up as a scarecrow, and the farmer gives her a reward bacause no crows come back.
Little Itch and the Too-Terrible Jack-O'-Lantern in Gold Key Marge's Little Lulu Trick 'N' Treat No. 1 1962 (not a Giant)
Alvin is carving a pumpkin, using Lulu's photo as a model for the scary face. Lulu tells a story about the little girl (Lulu) sho is looking in a little mirror and falls in a trap set by Itch, who gets her out and puts her under a spell. Itch is carving a pumpkin and wants Lulu to make scary faces for a model, but none are scary enough. Finally she gets one and Itch freezes her in that position and carves her pumpkin, which she takes to the witches' and goblins' Halloween party. Lulu thinks Itch will be surprised when she realizes Lulu held the mirror up in front of her face, and the face Itch carved was her own. Lulu is then sitting with the little boy (Wilbur) and they hear loud screams, and Itch comes running across the field, chased by other witches and goblins. Lulu says Itch's pumpkin had been too scary and scared the tar out of them.
Little Itch and the Pumped Pumpkins in Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun No. 23 1959
Alvin takes his very small pumpkin to the pumpkin contest and is worried because it is so little . lulut ells him a story about the little girl who wants a big pumplin. It was a bad year for pumplins and they are all very little, so she goes out to the country to look for a big one, but they are all little , too. Finally Itch comes along and tells Lulu to pick the little pumplins and then Itch gets a bibycle pump and Lulu pumps them all up big and Itch sells them and finally Lulu collapses of exhaustion. Itch pumps one up for herself and takes the pump, so Lulu ends up with a tiny pumpkin for the contest. When they put their candles in and light them, all of the big pumpkins explode, so Lulu's wins first, second, etc. prizes. End of story. Lulu and Alvin look at his pumpkkin, and it wons a special prize for cutest pumpkin.
*5. O
l Witch Hazel and the Weary Travelers in Marge's Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun No. 6 1957.
Lulu tells Alvin a story in which people who get lost in the woods as they are traveling stop at Hazel's house that has a sign "Home Cooking" on it. But then Hazel turns them into cookies. The poor little girl is walking through the woods selling weenies when it gets dark and windy, so she tries to light a candle, but it keeps blowing out. Itch flies along and turns a pokpupplnut into a pumpkin, that falls on Lulu's head. Lulu carves a face in the pumplin and puts her candle in it, which doesn't blow out because the pumpkin protects it from the wind. She puts the pumpkin on her head so she can carry her tray of weenies, and she goes to Hazle's house to sell weenies. When Hazle sees her with the pumpkin on her head she gets scared and falls down into the cellar. Lulu doesn't see Hazel because the light is so bright, so she keeps yelling "Hello! Weenies?" Finally the cookies turn back to people because Hazel fell into the cellar, and they all say Lulu saved them. The mayor gives her a reward and proclaims that night will become a national holiday that they will call Hallo-Weenie Night.
Little Itch and the Shrunken Pumpkins in in Marge's Lulu and Tubby Halloween Fun No. 6 1957.
Lulu tells Alvin a story in which the little girl and her mother grow big pumpkins to sell for Halloween. As they are sleeping and dreaming of all the things they will buy with the money from their pumpkins, Itch and Hazel fly by and turn the pumpkins into acorn-sized pumpkins, which they put in their pockets and take home. Lulu, when she is looking for her hpmpkins, sees a mouse take a timy one from Hazel's house. She tells Itch not to be ashamed because they are so little, so Itch turns them back into big pumpkins. There are so many that the house falls apart and they all roll down the hill into town and to each house, so Lulu went around and collected the money from each house for their pumpkin.

36. Do you know about a Little Lulu story based on "The Scarlet Letter"?
Q)I read somewhere a few years ago a Little Lulu story that seemed to be an adaptation of "The Scarlet Letter" where Tubby played the devil in plain clothes.  At first I wasn't sure if it was real, or some sort of parody.  Do you know anything about this, or what issue it might have appeared in?
A) The story was not one of the Little Lulu comic book stories, but rather a more recent parody of The Scarlet Letter with the characters from Little Lulu. It's in a publication called Drawn & Quarterly Volume 4. The story is titled "Little Pearl" by R. Sikoryak and is on pages 57-79. This info is on the book: Drawn & Quarterly, P.O. Box 48056 Montreal, Quebec, Canada H2V4S8. Electronic Mail:
All stories and art copyright 2001 by the respective artists unless otherwise indicated. Proofreader: Marina Lesenko. Office boy: Miguel Lesenko Oliveros. Printed in China, July 2001.

37. Lulu, Annie and Fifi with new hairdos and falling in a bathtub in Wet Mumday, in LL #129, March 1959
Q) I am looking for a story which featured Lulu, Annie & Fifi getting new hairdos, getting made fun of by Tubby, Iggy & Alvin, and for some reason, the three girls wind up in a bathtub. The comic book I had (this probably goes back to 1961) had the next page missing, so I never read the outcome of the story. Do you know where I can find this comic book?
A) That story is in Wet Mumday, found in LL #129 from March, 1959.
Read Wet Mumday!!

38. The Little Girl With No Name in LL #20
Q) I would love to have the Little Lulu comic strip:  The Little Girl With No Name.  It must have been published in the late '40s or early '50s. 
A) "The little girl with no name" is in Little Lulu #20.  The little girl is so poor, she doesn't even have a name.  She's thrown in jail because the town's new mayor is taxing everything, including air and sunshine, and she has no money to pay the taxes.  The mayor is trying to think of new things to tax and ultimately decides he can have a tax on taxes.

39. Lulu and her friends go through the Panama Canal in Dell Giant #42 Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Australia
Q) I need help finding my favorite issue, which I think came out in the early 60s.  Little Lulu and her pals passed through the Panama Canal. 
A) The story about the Panama Canal is in Dell Giant #42 Marge's Lulu and Tubby in Australia, 1961. I put the first page of the story at  so you can see it.

40. Hazel turned Lulu into a water pipe in That Awful Witch Hazel Again in LL #45
Q) I am writing this on behalf of my mother.  She is looking for a Little Lulu comic book she read to my brother until it wore out.  She recalls it was purchased the spring or summer of 1951 and was about Little Lulu being turned into a water pipe by Witch Hazel.  If you could help us identify which issue number it would be, we would be most grateful.
A) The story is in LL #45 March 1952: That Awful Witch Hazel Again, in which Lulu tells Alvin about when Hazel turned her into a water pipe.

41. Hazel flew on a vacuum cleaner in "Ol’ Witch Hazel and the Fancy Vacuum Cleaner" in LL # 131
Q) I am looking for the Little Lulu comic that has Witch Hazel and I believe Little Itch and they fly around on a vacuum cleaner instead of a broom.
A) There is a story in LL # 131 May 1959 titled "Ol’ Witch Hazel and the Fancy Vacuum Cleaner" in which the poor little girl sold vacuum cleaners to Witch Hazel and her friends.

42. Hazel turned Lulu into a rock in That Awful Witch Hazel in LL #39 September 1951
I would really appreciate it if you could ask your audience (or solve the mystery yourself, if you know the answer!) about a LL story my mom keeps telling me about, from when she was little. This must've been the 50's. In the story, Lulu is transformed into a boulder/rock by Witch Hazel, and taken to an island (supposedly) where the witch takes all the little kids she's transformed into rocks. Lulu's mom is heartbroken that her daughter disappeared and asks a sculptor to make a statue of Lulu. The sculptor finds the Lulu rock and thinks it's perfect for the statue. Of course, the rock is really Lulu, so when he finishes the statue Lulu becomes a kid again! My mom says Lulu's mom doesn't pay the sculptor in the end.

A) The story is That Awful Witch Hazel in LL #39 September 1951. Actually, Lulu's mom does pay the sculptor in the end, bu only the $5.00 he originally asked and not the large sum he wanted after he realized the sculpture could talk.

43. Lulu and circus friends in Little Lulu Lucky Landlady 1973 - a Whitman Tale-A-Tale book
Q) I am looking for a little lulu book.  It is about little lulu and her circus friends.  They stay at her house.  The tall man sleeps in the chimney, the fat lady sleeps in the china closet with the tea pot.  There is a tattoo man, a fire eating man, and others.  Can you help me?  

A) That would be Little Lulu Lucky Landlady 1973 - a Whitman Tale-A-Tale book. Check these pages:

44. Lulu and Iggy in a story that talks about the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby in Alaska #1 1959
Q)I am looking for an issue of Little Lulu, I don't remember the issue  number or what is on the cover. I remember it talked about the IGY,  International Geophysical Year, and IGGY was in it as well as Little Lulu. Any  information you could give me would be much appreciated. I am a  teacher and wanted to use it as an example for education outreach.
A)It's in the story
First-Class Gadget Catcher in the comic Marge's Little Lulu and Tubby in Alaska, No. 1, 1959.
Read the story online at - just scroll down to the correct story.

45. Lulu swinging very high in a one-pages on inside front cover of LL #8, Feb 1949
Q) Remember the one where she was swinging very high? 
A) There is a one-pager with Little Lulu swinging very high on the inside front cover of LL #8 from Feb 1949.
You can see it here!

46. The kids getting tattoos in Tubby Tattoo in LL #58
Q) another epidsode when there was a tattoo store and everyone wanted one but the parents were disgusted when there kids got there tattoos an angry mob of parents came so the tattoo guy went on a row boat and the parents came after then his boat sank and all his tattoos washed off so the parents weren't mad once the tattoo guy explained it to them.
A) This is a Tubby story called Tattoo in LL #58 April 1953.
See Tattoo here!

47. Lulu and a houseboat
Q) My mom is forever talking about a little lulu comic about a house boat...any idea??? Would love to find it and get it for her!
A) I just realized that the houseboat story is also the story where Little Lulu is at the end of a pier.  So the first story in LL #51, "The Ghost in the Bottle", is the one you're looking for "lost stories # 13 and #22!"

48. Lulu ends up at the end of a pier. Is she wearing Dr. Dentons?
Q) I went through all of the issues on one of the links but could not find the one story that has haunted me all of my life!  Its about one of Lulu's nightmares-where she ends up on one of her journeys & ends up at the end of a pier. Is she wearing Dr. Dentons?  I don't remember but I'd love to know which issue that was in, how I could get it oreven just a copy of that particular frame.  Am I losing my mind or does it really exist?  Help....
A) I just realized that the houseboat story is also the story where Little Lulu is at the end of a pier.  So the first story in LL #51, "The Ghost in the Bottle", is the one you're looking for "lost stories # 13 and #22!"

49. Lulu using a piece of gum attached to a string to retrieve a coin
Q) What is the name of the Little Lulu book in which Little Lulu spots a coin in a city storm drain and takes a piece of gum attached to a string and lowers it into the storm drain to retrieve the coin?
Note: There is a story in which Lulu gets a coin using gum on a stick rather than a string: "The Leftover Christmas Tree" LL #54 Dec. 1952

A) That is not in one of the Little Lulu comics, but rather it is in Marge's Little Lulu Uses Her Head, one of the small Whitman Tell-A-Tell Books copyright 1955. 

Other Questions

Still Looking for Answers

Do you know the answers? If so, please let me know.

1. Is there a bendable little lulu figure like Gumby and Pokey?
2. Is there a
Little Lulu doll with a handkerchief around her face?
3. Are
beebleberries a cross between Bananas and Spam?
4. Who is the
actress who did Lulu's voice?
Alvin and Gertuie Bobble heads
. Soda bottle with Little Lulu on it
. Contact info for David McKay Publishing Conpany

1. Is there a bendable little lulu figure like Gumby and Pokey?
I really enjoyed your little lulu page and I'm wondering if you can help me. I understand that 30 years ago or so, lakeside made a bendable little lulu figure. This is the same company that made Gumby and Pokey back then. I don't know if this is accurate information, but I collect bendy toys and I've been running into brick walls trying to confirm whether this is true and, if so, how to find one. would you happen to know anything about this? I'd appreciate any insights you can pass along.
Many thanks.

2. Is there a Little Lulu doll with a handkerchief around her face?
Have you by chance found a little lulu with a handerchief around her cheek??? It was Lulu, but a very early one.  I LOST A FRIENDS KERCHIEF FROM AROUND HER LULU! AND I'VE BEEN TRYING TO REPLACE IT. If you can post it on your website I would indeed be grateful.

3. Are beebleberries a cross between Bananas and Spam?
Are there many episodes featuring the "little girl" who spends time in the forest picking Bebble Berries and who has many encounters with a witch? Are the berries indeed a cross between Bannanas and Spam?

4. Who is the actress who did Lulu's voice?
The internet movie data base claims it was Mae Questal who was the voice over actress for Little Lulu.  I disagree with them. Mae's vocie quality was too BIG to get the sound that Lulu had. Mae did create the voices Olive Oyl, Bette Boop for Lil Audrey in a later series. Do you know who the actress was who did Lulu's voice?

5. Alvin and Gertuie Bobble heads
I recently came across 2 bobble heads that my aunt had.  One is Alvin and the other is Gertie.  Alvin is a little boy, kinda like dennis the menace.  Gertie is a little girl with one tooth and a cute dress on. Could they be, or were there made, bobble heads from Little lulu?  Maybe Alvin and I hear there is a Gertie Greenbean????  I am search is exhausted!!!  Can you help?  Let me know if you have ever heard of such things, if you will.  Thanks so so much!!!  They are cute as heck and have a small sticker on the bottom that reads Japan.  Maybe 6 inches tall.  Thanks again for any information....

6. Soda bottle with Little Lulu on it
My friend found a soda bottle years ago that has a picture of Little Lulu on it.  I think that she said that it was a root beer bottle.  Are you familiar with this or have any suggestions as to where I can get some information about it.

7. Contact info for David McKay Publishing Conpany
I am trying to locate the company contact info for David McKay Publishing Company, I am not sure if this company is even still around or if someone now owns their publishing catalogue. I just noticed that you have several of their books on your website and thought I might contact your company for help. Hopefully you might be able to point me in the right direction, thanks for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.

Questions with Answers

1. What is the name of Little Lulu's dog?
2. Where can I find
other Little Lulu info on the Internet?
3. What are the
words to the Little Lulu theme song?
4. What kind of
pie did Little Lulu eat?
5. Why did
Marjorie Buell give up drawing Her creation and turn it over to Stanley?
Majorie from Peekskill, N.Y.?
7. Is
Marjorie still alive, and if not when did she die?
8. Have you been able to
track down the real Lulu and Tubby? How did you come to the conclusion that Peekskill is the real Little Lulu hometown?
9. What happened to
John Stanley and the other artist Irv Tripp?
10. What happened to
Western Publishing Company Inc of Racine, Wisconsin?
11. Does Lulu have a
particular quote or something she says a lot?
12. Is
"Human Bean" or "Hoomin Bean" attributable to Lulu Moppet?
13. Have you heard of a
Little Lulu cartoon titled "Magical Little Lulu"?
14. Do the
Little Lulu comics continue to be published in U.S.A. or in any other part of the world?
15. Do you have a
picture or information about A PULLAN DOLL?
16. What is the song with first line "Lulu, where are you going, upstairs to take a bath..."?
17. What is my Little Lulu _______ worth?
18. Why is it so
hard to find some of the Volumes of The Little Lulu Library?
19. Is there a
list that will tell where Stanley's stories were reprinted later?
What is Little Lulu's doll's name?
21. What are the
lyrics to the song "Now Ya Done It" and what is it from?
22. Where can I
buy Mi Pequena Lulu in Spanish?
23. Do you know about the
Lulu cartoon series around 1979 from Japanese cartoon?
24. Does anyone know the lyrics to the song Little Lulu?
25. Did Marjorie Buell have a connection to Peekskill, Little Lulu's home town?

1. Q) We were all discussing about the cute comic strip little lulu, and one fellow said she had a scotty dog?   I said I didn't think she had a dog, and nobody else knew for sure, either, so I thought that I would ask you.
Q) I have searched everywhere and cannot remember the name of Little Lulu's dog.  Can you be of some help to me.  Thank you.
A) There was a little dog in many of the Little Lulu comic strips in the newspaper in the early 50's and in some of the early Lulu comics, and that dog's name was Mops.

2. Q) Do you have any idea where I can find other little Lulu info on the Internet? I have just starting searching and yours is the first place I've found. I would very much like any info that you could send. Thanks for your help!
A) Here is a page of
Little Lulu Links to places I've found with some information about Little Lulu

3. Q) Do you know the words to the Little Lulu theme song?
A) I have the words to the original
Little Lulu Theme Song on this site. And if you turn your sound up, you can hear the song on this page. The words have been slightly revised twice for the newer Lulu cartoons on HBO. I will add those words to my site when I can find them.

4. Q) Can you tell me what kind of pie Little Lulu ate?
A) In the stories she told little Alvin about the poor little girl (portrayed by Lulu herself), she ate Beebleberry pies.

5. Q) First: Why did Marjorie Buell give up drawing Her creation and turn it over to Stanley?
A) My understanding is that Marge couldn't do it all - when she let Western Publishing take over the comics, where John Stanley wrote the comics for many years, etc. she was busy doing all of the work for the Kleenex ads and other things related to all of the Lulu memorabilia that went out in the 50's. Also, someone else created the newspaper comic strips in the early 50's. Although she didn't write the comics, she did have to approve all of them, and she actually rejected one story that she thought inappropriate for kids - too scary - (which has since been published in one volume of The Little Lulu Library). It wasn't until the early 70's that she turned over the rights to Lulu to Western, at which time they came out with a lot of Lulu items - coloring books, puzzles, etc.

6. Q) Was Majorie from Peekskill, N.Y.?
A) Marjorie Buell was born in Philadelphia on Dec. 11, 1904.

7. Q) Is Marjorie still alive, and if not when did she die?
A) She died on May 30, 1993. See a copy of her

8. Have you been able to track down the real Lulu and Tubby? How did you come to the conclusion that Peekskill is the real Little Lulu hometown?
A) Peekskill was identified as Lulu's hometown through the work of Brad Tenan, who went through each comic looking for clues to the town's identity (climate and types of trees, for example, led him to the northeast; field trips to the Statue of Liberty led him to New York/New Jersey; and finally route signs on the roads leading into and out of town clinched it as Peekskill. He wrote to Stanley, who actually said there was no special town in mind, but that, from Brad's information, he concluded that Peekskill was actually Lulu's hometown. There was no attempt, to my knowledge, to identify the real Lulu and Tubby.

9. Q) What ever happened to John Stanley and the other artist Irv?
A) I believe Stanley died not too long ago. Irving Tripp is alive, and drew a picture for the 2003 Valentine's Day edition of The HoLLywood Eclectern #35. (Much of my information is from the two Little Lulu newsletters - The Stanley Steamer, from 1982 to 1992, which I bought in the early 90's after it had quit publication - and The HoLLywood Eclectern, 1992 to present. I bought the back issues of that which were available and receive the new issues as they come out -if you're interested, check my website for the section on
Little Lulu Fanzines.)

10. Q) I am searching for the Western Publishing Company Inc of Racine, Wisconsin. I cannot find any reference to them on the web other than your site. Can you tell me if this company still exists, fails to exist or has been taken over by another company?
A) Western Publishing became Golden Books Family Entertainment Inc. in 1996. Golden Books was founded in Racine and operated for many years as Western Publishing Co. before moving its headquarters to New York City. Golden Books filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Random House Inc. and Classic Media Inc., both of New York City, won a Bankruptcy Court auction Aug. 15 for the assets of Golden Books. The bid approved by the Bankruptcy Court allows Random House to acquire all book publishing properties of Golden Books, while Classic Media acquired Golden Books' entertainment division, which includes the movie, television and home video libraries and production, licensing and merchandising rights.
(From "Golden Books retirees get reprieve from buyer" by Rich Rovito )

Classis Media, Inc. currently holds the rights to Little Lulu. CLASSIC MEDIA, 435 HUDSON ST, NEW YORK, NY 10014, Phone: (212) 741-7009. (Jan 2005)

11. Q) I'm wondering if lulu has a particular quote or something she says a lot? I can't remember her having one, but i thought someone else might remember and help me out.
I've been going through Lulu comics from early-mid 50s, and in those there is something Lulu says that I remember from when I was little: "I'm going to give you such a smack!" or "I'd like to give you such a smack!" I've gone through most of the comics between LL #36 and LL #87, and Lulu said it in the following: LL #39, LL #45, LL #48, LL #54, again in LL #54, LL #56, and LL #86.

12. Q) I have a question: is "Human Bean" or "Hoomin Bean" attributable to LuLu Moppet?   If not, would you possibly know where these "names" came from?
) I've been going through some Lulu comics from the early-mid 50s, and in those there were several references to "human bean" - in LL #38 one of Tubby's friends said it, in LL #71 Tubby said it, and in LL #75 Lulu said it.

13. Q) I'm trying to locate a Little Lulu cartoon that I think was titled, "Magical Little Lulu".  Have you heard of this one before and if so, do you know where I might find it?
There is a Little Lulu Paramount cartoon called "Magica-Lulu," which was produced 03/02/45. I have not yet seen this cartoon, nor have I been able to find a copy of it.

14. Q) Do the Little Lulu comics continue to be published in U.S.A. or in any other part of the world?
A) I don't know any country that is still publishing Little Lulu comics. They stopped in 1984 in the USA. However, Dark Horse is publishing reprints of all of the Lulu stories. The first issue came out in November, 2004, and the second is due out in February, 2005. For more information, go to:
Dark Horse Reprints of Little Lulu Comics

15. Q) I have recently purchased a Little Lulu Composition Doll...  I have looked for information on it and would love to find a picture of the doll when she was new.  She is A PULLAN DOLL and was made by The Earl Pullan Co. Ltd., in Canada.  They made compo dolls only briefly from about 1945 through maybe 1950.  Then the hard plastics took over in the sixties.  If any of your "Lulu Friends" has a picture of this doll in her original clothes, I would be thrilled to see it.  Thanks so much.
A)  MWard sent this information: "I have a picture (and the original doll) which might be of interest to your reader.  I would also like to know more information about this doll, and perhaps we could be of mutual benefit."


16. Q) What is the song with first line "Lulu, where are you going, upstairs to take a bath..."
I am looking for the rest of the words to a song I learned as a child. The first line is "Lulu, where are you going, upstairs to take a bath..." Does anyone know anything about this song?  Thank you.
A) Someone sent the following song:

Lulu where are you going?
Upstairs to take a bath
Lulu had legs like toothpicks
and a neck like a giraffe

Lulu stepped in the bathtub
and pulled out the plug
Oh my goodness, oh my soul
there goes Lulu down the hole!

Lulu! Lulu!
Blub blub blub

17. Q) What is my Little Lulu _______ worth?
A) To find the approximate value of an item, I usually check at E-Bay Auction to see if I can find a similar item and see what it sells for. To do that, go to: and on the first page search for: little lulu . You can vary the search depending on your item: little lulu doll, little lulu cookie (for a cookie jar), little lulu bank, etc. When the list of items with those words in the title comes up, just click on one to get a page with a description and usually a photo of the item. You can compare your item with that one. The price varies depending on the condition of the item as well as who happens to be bidding on it at the time. And be sure to watch the item to the end of the auction - the price often jumps at the end. If you register for ebay, you can search "Completed Items" to get a list of items that sold within the last month or so with their ending price.

18. Why is it so hard to find some of the Volumes of The Little Lulu Library?
Q) Three of the volumes - #'s 3, 5, & 6 - show up quite often & usually sell for $80 or less , but the other three volumes are apparently much harder to come by . I'm trying to find out why - were fewer published , destroyed somehow , or whatever.
A)Some time ago I'd asked you a question about the Little Lulu Library sets , and I wanted to let you know what I found out since then. The publisher - Russ Cochran - has been selling sets 3 , 5 , & 6 on eBay regularly & I emailed & asked the same question I'd asked you : why are sets 1 , 2 , & 4 harder to find. It turns out that , as best as Russ can remember , less than 1000 of the first set were printed. ( Which still leaves the question of how many of the others an unknown.) Anyway, I've copied the complete email correspondence below in blue & large letters ; if you think other Lulu fans would be interested in this information , by all means add it to your web site & share it with others.   Sincerely -   Steve Swenson

Russ says that he never really knew exactly how many of each set was printed. This is his memory, though: They were printed in reverse order, and the quantity printed decreased with each set until they got to #1, which we think was less than 1,000 but more than 500.

Angela Meyer
Gemstone Publishing

19. Is there a list that will tell where Stanley's stories were reprinted later?
Q)I have been under the impression that the comics before 1961 are the ones to look for as they are the John Stanley ones (the best in my mind, and seemingly to everyone elses as well) but I have just noticed today that one of mine from 1971 was actually originally printed in '59!! Do you know of any way of checking the later comics to see if they are indeed reprints, or do you yourself know is there a list of a kind somewhere that I could get hold of at all? I wonder too, if the reprints always used the same cover as the original - I am buying on Ebay now and one can't of course check the original date which seems to sometimes be on the first page of the comic..
A)Here's something that will help you - it's an index of Little Lulu comics through issue 164 with a brief description of the stories, listing in which issues those stories are reprinted. According to Jon Merrill, who created this index, most of the comics from 167 through 196 were reprints.  Later comics contained some original stories and some reprints.
What you could do is look at the early comics and find in which issues some of the stories are reprinted, and then look for those more recent comics on ebay. They'reoften easier to find than the earlier comics.
The reprints used new covers that were not on the original comics.

20. What is Little Lulu's doll's name?
Q) I was born in Cuba in 1968, and I used to watch Little Lulu cartoons.  I always remember Little Lulu carrying a little doll.  Was the doll name Audrey?  I am pregnant and I do not know why the first thing I thought when they told me it is a girl was to name her after Little Lulu's Doll, but I am not sure if I am right thinking about Audrey.  Could you send me information on this?
A) In "The Doll Contest" in LL126, Lulu's doll is named Gwendolyn. It is also Gwendolyn in The
Strong, Silent One (LL #123 r #204) and is Tweetums in LL #18 Dec 1949. Her goldfish is named Gwendolen in LL #?? r LL #194.

21. Lyrics to "Now Ya Done It"
Q) What are the lyrics to the song "Now Ya Done It" and what is it from?
A) The song came from the cartoon "Eggs Don't Bounce." I found the cartoon and wrote the words to it - some were a little hard to figure out, but I think I got them right. I added that info to my web site - you can find it and a photo of the sheet music at
Below are the words to the song as best I can hear them:

Now Ya Done It

Now ya done it, Ya done, done, done it.
Ya gonna catch it good.
Cause ya didn't behave the way that you should.

(Now ya done it, Now ya done it.)

You're in trouble, In troub, troub, trouble.
Trouble's your middle name.
Got yourself in a mess, Yes ain't it a shame.

Ya wouldn't take my warning,
My, is your face red.
When you woke up this morning,
You should have stood in your bed.

Now ya done it, Ya done, done, done it.
It didn't take you long.
When ya done what ya done, You sure done it wrong.

(Now ya done it, Now ya done it.
Now ya done it wrong.)

22. Where can I buy Mi Pequena Lulu?
Q) Do you know where I can buy Mi Pequena Lulu series in Spanish?
A) I have bought both Little Lulu in English and Pequena Lulu in Spanish at - just search for: little lulu or : little lulu spanish or: little lulu mexico

23. Do you know about the Lulu cartoon series around 1979 from Japanese cartoon?
I was wondering if you know anything about a Little Lulu cartoon series from around 1979. It was taken from a Japanese cartoon and the voices were redone in English. This series was on video in the early 1980's in some stores. It never made it to TV. I know some of the people who once worked on this and was trying to track down anyone with any information on obtaining a copy or some memorabilia from this short lived series. It was really bad, but that's another story. The re-editing was done in Burbank, Ca by B&B sound company (Ken Berger) who is no longer living. If you may know of anything please let me know.

Note: I received the following message from someone related to this cartoon series.

Hi!  I came across your Little Lulu site a while ago, and enjoy visiting it now and then.  You've done a great job.  However, today I discovered something I never knew about, and that, from looking at your site, you appear to have missed, as well.  I figured you might be interested to know about it.

Between the 1940's Paramount cartoons and the 1995 HBO show, there was a TV series made around 1976 called "Little Lulu and Her Friends."  I found an old, dusty video of it at my local tapestore and was surprised, since I knew it wasn't either of the animated versions I'd heard of.  So I rented it.  It's perfectly awful, as I thought it would be (since the '70s was pretty much the low point for cartoons).   

Several things make this interesting, though.  It was produced by a company called Ziv International.  Although I can't be sure, it appears to have actually been a dubbed Japanese show.  No Japanese names appear in the credits, but the look of the characters and backgrounds have the unmistakable look of Japanese TV cartoons at the time.  And the credits do say "animation produced in association with Nippon", which I assume is a reference to Nippon TV, a big Japanese broadcaster.  At first I thought this was just an American show which was animated in Japan, as so many of them were at the time (today it's usually Taiwan or Korea), but a Googling of "Ziv International" revealed that it was a company that, among other things, did a lot of anime dubbing in the early '80s.  There weren't  a lot of search results, but mixing in "little lulu" led to a site which mentioned the show and gave its Japanese title, "Little Lulu to Chicchai Nakama".  If this really was produced for a Japanese audience, and later dubbed for American syndication, that would be interesting.  

It's probably very hard to find any information about this series, but that one site I found said it ran for 26 episodes.  It also gave the year as 1976, even though the date on the actual show is very hard to read.  (It defintely says "197_", but the last digit is partially cropped off the frame.  I'd thought it was an 8.)  Sorry to jump in with a long message out of nowhere, but I thought you might like to look into this "lost" bit of Luluian lore, and see if you can unearth anything else about it.  You declare you're out to chronicle the whole history of Lulu, warts and all.  (And this show is definitely warts.  It makes the weakest of the Paramount cartoons look good. )  Cheers!

Note: If anyone has any more information about this cartoon series, or has any images from it that I could add, I'd love to hear from you.

24. Does anyone know the lyrics to the song Little Lulu?
Q) Does anyone know the lyrics to the song Little Lulu?
A) You may find the words to the Little Lulu Theme Song, and hear it, at
Little Lulu Theme Song

25. Did Marjorie Buell have a connection to Peekskill, Little Lulu's Home Town?
Q) I noticed your tour of Peekskill -- I grew up in Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y., right next door. But I didn't quite follow how it was determined that Peekskill was Little Lulu's town. Did Marjorie Buell have a connection to Peekskill?
A) Marge created the character of Little lulu for the Saturday Evening Post magazines. John Stanley wrote the Little Lulu comics (each edition had to be approved by Marge). John created the story lines, the characters other than Lulu, the settings including Lulu's home town of Meadowville, etc. for the comic book stories. A Little Lulu fan, Brad Tenan, researched all of the Little Lulu comics to determine which town Meadowville was based on - or Little Lulu's real home town. From clues in the comics, such as the climate (had to be in the north because of the snow); the trees (some place with chestnut trees); nearby sites (near the Statue of Liberty where Lulu's class went for a field trip so in the northeast); etc. he narrowed down the town to several towns in the northeast. Finally he found some route signs in a story and based on those he determined it was Peekskill, New York. Brad contacted both Marge and John Stanley, and they both agreed Peekskill could be considered Lulu's real home town. Brad traveled to Peekskill and told about the similarities of the town with Meadowville in the comics. Based on the information Brad wrote in the Stanley Steamer, I took a similar trip to Peekskill and took photos and wrote about my experiences in Peekskill. Read about my Trip to Peekskill.


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  Page last updated 07 Feb 2011.
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