Rock River Falls

(You may click on the image to see a larger version.)

Water Source
Rock River
5 miles northwest of Chatham
20 foot drop
From M-94 where it makes a 90 degree turn in Chatham, turn onto Rock River Road and go north for 3.5 miles, cross the Rock River, and then go another .1 mile to USFS-2276 (this road may have been renamed). The road is narrow and rocky but in good condition. Turn left (west) and go about 4.3 miles (it jogs sharply left at 3.6 miles) to a small parking area on the left marked by a sign pointing the way to the trail to Rock River Falls.
The 3/4 mile path is mostly downhill, and the ground becomes wet as you reach the bottom.
Other Information
As I recall (I was here 10/1/89) I went to this falls with my son John. He suggested we take his pickup truck rather than my car, because the road was pretty rough. Since he was driving, I can't vouch for these directions, which I got from Penrose's Michigan Waterfalls book. I know some of the US Forest Service roads were renumbered when I went on them from the numbers in their book. But that usually didn't cause any problem - just look for a forest road in the area they describe.

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  Page last updated 29 Jul 2006.
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