Agate Falls

Water Source
Middle Branch Ontonagon River
Ontonagon County, on M-28 four miles west of Trout Creek; trail begins at Joseph. F. Oravec Roadside Park
The river is about 80 feet wide as it drops 80 feet in a series of falls
The trail is easy to follow but is steep at times. In fact, I chose to go almost straight down the hill to the falls rather than winding back on the trail.
Other Information
This was one of the two waterfalls I found on my first waterfall search in the UP (Michigan Upper Peninsula), on September 30, 1989. After I found the waterfall I took my son to see it. That was the beginning of my waterfalling.
Agate Falls is considered one of the seven "Notable Falls" in Michigan listed in the Michigan Atlas & Gazetteer by Delorme Mapping.

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  Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
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