
You may click on the thumbnail to see a larger version of the photos.

This is the main waterfall just below the parking lot for the campground.

This is more falls just downstream from the main falls.

We found Ristafallet by accident, and what a great discovery!. We were driving from Ostersund toward Duved where we would be spending the night. Between Jarpen and the Halland exit I saw something white ahead on the left, and I decided it had to be a watefall. We turned left on the next road, which happened to be a road leading to a campground. There was a sign at the beginning of the road that said the waterfall was open. We parked at the far end of the campground parking lot, and from there we could hear the waterfall. A short trail led to the waterfall as seen in the first photo above. Another short trail led downstream where I took the second photo.

I learned the name of the waterfall at a tourist information spot in Åre. There was a large map on the wall with the waterfall on it. There was also some information in Swedish: "Ristafallet under såkersälven faller 14 m över klippkanterna vid Rista med mot sjon Liten. Artrik lav - och moss vegetation."

I asked if anyone could provide a translation of this text for me. I received the following reply from Per Stymne - Thanks!!

"Being a native of Sweden, I'll give you a translation of the Swedish text you found on the tourist information map in Åre.

"The text  was "Ristafallet under såkersälven faller 14 m över klippkanterna vid Rista med mot sjon Liten. Artrik lav - och moss vegetation" and it means:

"At the Rista fall at Rista, close to Undersaker, the Indal River drops 14 meters over a cliff down towards Lake Liten. There is a rich vegetation with moss and lichen".

"It seems as if you had dropped some of the words in the Swedish text, but since I have been to Ristafallen several times I could guess what was missing. [It is likely that I did drop some of the text, because I hurridly copied it from the map, and didn't know what any of the words were that I was copying - Michele]

"The fall/falls actually has two similar names, one being Ristafallet and the other being Ristafallen. These are just the singular and plural forms of the same thing. The main fall is actually two falls side by side, separated by a rocky island, and the fall in your pictures is the northern one. You can hardly see the southern fall from the parking lot close to the highway. In order to see it you have to find a the little road which runs on the southern shore of the river; well, the difficult part is to find the bridge across the river."

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  Page last updated 28 Dec 2000.
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