Silver Falls, Magpie River

We found Silver Falls from Highway 17 south of Wawa. Directions from an article "Wawa's Waterfalls..." in Wawa Ontario, Canada Visitor Guide 98-99 put out by the Wawa Tourist Information Center gives the directions to Silver Falls as follows:

"Location: Michipicoten River Village, south of Wawa off Highway 17. Turn at Michipiticoten River Village Road and turn right at the fork. Follow the road over the bridge to a park and turn left. Follow to a wooden bridge overlooking the falls."

"Description: Silver Falls is located below Scenic High Falls on Magpie River. From the bridge you will have a good view of the falls and be able to catch a glimpse of the Municipal Marina at the junctions of the Michipicoten and Magpie Rivers."

Unknown Falls, Magpie River

This falls was just downstream from the bridge where we saw Silver Falls. There was a small parking area to the right just before the bridge where we parked. We found a small trail directly across the road from the parking area, which led down a steep hill and around for a good view of the falls. I could not find this falls listed anywhere, so I don't know the name of it. If anyone knows, I would love to have them let me know so I can add the information here.


The song "Waterfall Waltz" was composed and recorded by Will Bush ( ) for use on my waterfall pages. Thanks Will!

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