Keown Falls

Water Source
Georgia, Walker County, in the Chattahoochee Forestwest of I-75

Take the road marked Keown Falls south from Villanow for 5 miles. There is a sign to the falls and a picnic ground.

Trail *(See message below)
The road to the falls trail and picnic ground was closed, so we walked from the main road for about 1/2 mile to the picnic ground. The trail to the falls and overlook was marked from the picnic ground and was lined with rock. There was a fork in the trail marked loop one direction and overlook the other direction. We took the fork marked overlook.

It was not too difficult walking, although the trail was quite rocky and steep in a few places.

We stopped when we could no longer see the trail. The trail followed a creek upstream that was filled with small falls.

Other Information
There was a sign at the picnic ground that said the water was flowing. The creek we followed was flowing lightly. The falls would have been much more interesting had the water been flowing more strongly down the side of John's Mountain.

I think we found Keown Falls, but I'm not absolutely sure we did.

If anyone knows whether or not we found the falls, please let me know. I had no information about the size of the falls so I'm not sure what we were looking for.

* I received the message below about the trail to the falls. Apparently I didn't find the falls :-)
In response to your information and query about Keown Falls, it almost sounds as though you did not find the falls. There are two ways to access the falls.  The first, and more popular, is the one you described.  From the parking lot one can travel along a mostly graveled trail which winds its way uphill toward the base of the falls.  Along the way -- about a third of the distance to the falls -- one needs to ford the often narrow and nearly always shallow creek.  After a fairly easy 0.9 mile walk you will come to a series of about 50 rock steps followed by a short segment of trail.  At the end of this trail you will find yourself at the base of the falls and discover that it is possible to walk behind the falls without getting wet.  Backing up several yards, a set of wooden steps will be found which lead to an overlook, not only of the falls, but also of some of the valley below.  (It's really rather pretty in the fall).  Going on up a few more steps you will find the slender spring fed stream which provides the water to the falls from a very small and shallow watershed.   The first time I visited the falls had there not been a modest barrier I could have quite possibly stepped over the stream.  
The other way to access the falls would be to follow your initial directions but turn a mile or so earlier -- or later depending on the direction being traveled -- and take the turnoff marked Jones Mountain Overlook.  This is a two mile graveled road which dead ends in a parking lot which provides a wide overlook of the valley below. When looking out over the valley, turn your back to the view and you'll be facing the trail head which leads to the falls.  Whereas the earlier described trail is mostly up hill to the falls, this one is nearly all down hill to the falls.  It is my understanding that the trail is periodically bushhogged so it may or may not be easy to follow.  The distance to the falls is nearly identical.  The trail ends at the wooden overlook described above.  
My most recent visit to the falls was just after the remnants of one of the season's hurricanes had passed through and left a good quantity of rain.  At that time the falls were about 15 feet across, whereas on my initial visit they were only about a foot or so.  There is a lot of foliage in the way so taking photos is a challenge.  I think the best shots are from the wooden overlook.  I would guess the drop to be in the range of 35 feet.  
If one is ambitious, it is possible to hike the loop from one parking area to the falls, to the other parking area, and back to your vehicle.  One small advantage of taking the road to Jones Mountain is there is no fee area at the top whereas the one you described now requests a $2.00 per vehicle donation. Bill 


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  Page last updated 22 Jan 2005.
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