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Buster Brown

"That's my dog Tige, he lives in a shoe!!
I'm Buster Brown, look for me in there, too!!"

(If you turn your volume up and be patient, you can hear Buster Brown say those words! Thanks to Henry for improving my sound file.)

The character of Buster Brown was used to sell Buster Brown shoes and stockings.

Buster Brown was played on TV by Jerry Maren, who also played one of the Lollipop Kids in the Wizard of Oz. I got this autograph from Jerry when he appeared at a local high school production of the Wizard of Oz. I went with my daughter, who is a big Wizard of Oz fan, not knowing that Jerry was also Buster Brown. What luck!! I made him add Froggy to his autograph - I was so thrilled to meet someone who had actually worked with Froggy!

Below is a message from Ed Alexander who has a Buster Brown Merry-go-Round. He would like to hear from Buster Brown collectors.

"I have and would like BB collectors to see the attachment.  Last seen in Schroeders Antiques price guide 6th edition 1988.  Mr Rich Penn of Rich Penn Auctions has a great interest in this item, but I would like to know collectors. Ed Alexander "

Buster Brown Merry-go-Round

Here is a Buster Brown clicker advertising Buster Brown hosiery.


Here is an ad that appears to have come from a newspaper. There is no date on it. It is advertising Buster Brown Stockings by the Buster Brown Stocking Co., 256 Church Street, New York. It must have appeared shortly before Christmas, because it states: "Resolved! That The Buster Brown Stocking is a boon to mothers and a snap for Santa Claus - Buster Brown". Elsewhere it states: "Buster Brown is a great boy, and Buster Brown Stockings are great stockings for boys. Wear longer than any other stockings and are a better money's-worth than you ever had before. 25 cents a pair, at all leading retailers."


Buster Brown Comics

Froggy the Gremlin and the other characters from the Buster Brown Show (Smilin' Ed's Gang, Andy's Gang) appeared in the Buster Brown comics, along with stories about Gunga and others. The comics were given away at shoe stores that sold Buster Brown shoes. Here are two comics with them on the cover as well as inside, along with two comics with pictures from the stories on the cover.

The character of Buster Brown was created by R. F. Outcault. I have two valentine postcards signed by R. F. Outcault with a 1903 copyright by Raphael Tuck & Sons LTD, N.Y.

This postcard, which does not appear to be signed by Outcault, has a 1906 copyright by the American Journal Examiner. On the back it is stamped "Compliments of N.Y. Sunday American Journal." (It is postmarked December 25, 1906 8:30 A.M. from Hazelton, PA and the same day at 5 P.M. from Milton, PA.)

This June calendar postcard, signed by R.F. Outcault, has a 1906 copyright by the BusterBrown Co. Chicago. It is for advertising purposes, and states on the front: "Resolved That nature blooms out in June. Nature is a good one to imitate. I'll bloom out too by going to the right place. Buster Brown. Tige: 'The right place - alright, is New York Store, Iola, Kansas.' "



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  Page last updated 08 Jul 2009.
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