Story from La Pequeña Lulú Little Lulu Spanish Comics II

Little Lulu comics were published in Mexico in Spanish beyond the time they were published in English in the USA. Below is the cover and the first few pages of La Pequeña Lulú, published in Mexico by Vid Editorial, Año XXX No. 2-575 from 13 October 1981 © 1980 by Western Publishing Company, Inc. The story is "El Mago de As." Because my daughter is a big fan of The Wizard of Oz, I was thrilled to find this story about Lulu and her friends in the Land of Oz. (You may click on the pictures for a larger version).


Little Lulu Spanish Comics I

Little Lulu Spanish Comics II

Little Lulu Spanish Comics III

Story from Little Lulu Comics I


Lulu History

Home Frogs Waterfalls Little Lulu Grandson Ryan

  Page last updated 21 Jan 2005.
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